I just need to vent.....


I am a mother. I have one sweet and loving 6 years old. He is my world but for the past 5 years my husband and I have been trying to expand out world. Everytime we are at a family gathering, I will get bombarded with questions like "when are you going to have another?!" "How come you're not pregnant yet?!" "You could have 3 kids by now you know?!" And remarks like "you know you're only getting older" "the older you get the harder it gets" "are you even trying?!" And my personal favorite "if you don't give your husband another baby, he'll go find someone who can".

People don't know the struggles I go through to try to conceive. I was told that I was too big, so I lost the weight. Then I was told it was a hormonal problem, so I got test and everything came back normal. <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is not an option for me because i don't have insurance.

Everytime I see a pregnant woman or someone I know is pregnant, it hurts. Of course I'm happy for them but....I am hurt. Tonight I found out that my husband's cousin's wife is pregnant with her second baby. Congrats to them, I really happy for them really. Last time I spoke to her she said she wasn't ready for another one, given that her baby just turned one a couple of days ago.

I pray every night, I try to keep a clean diet, I try to meditate and manifest. I'm trying so hard and....it's always nothing..I know I know..I just gotta keep trying and not give up. I just hate this feeling. My son have been asking for a sibling.. I asked him if he could have anything in the world what would it be? Or he could wish for anything. He looked at me and said for me to be happy and he wants a baby brother and sister.

That broke me...the one thing I can't give him..I can buy him anything. Spend all the time in the world with him but I can't give him a sibling..