!Getting stuff off my chest!

Okay so this is kinda just me venting about a situation. So I live with my boyfriend and his dad, they are both pretty messy people and arnt exactly the best cleaners. (Dont get me wrong I can be kinda messy too at times, but I end up cleaning my stuff up) I’m 38 weeks pregnant and I’m still having to clean up after them, my bf does help out and so does his dad but they never fully clean something, like they will do the dishes and leave a shit ton of grease or food on it. I usually end up recleaning it and I’m tired of doing that... I’ve been really tired and achey the past two weeks so I haven’t been doing a whole lot. My bf keeps making me feel bad for not helping out a lot even tho I make dinner, sweep, wipe counters down and even pick up HIS dirty cloths and put it in the dirtyhamper. So after he got off work today (5-10 delivery pizza driver) he was all upset because I had some things on my side of the bed (that I was eating) and complained about it being clutter when I literally just cleaned up his side and mine of the mounts of built up stuff and was upset because I didn’t finish cleaning the room ( I fell asleep because I’m obviously tired) he always makes me go places with him even tho it has nothing to do with me. The other day he was going to go riding on his quad and he made me go with him...I sat in the car for an hour and a half, VERY uncomfortable....like right now writing this I’m taking a break from cleaning. I’m just sick of it 🙄 oh plus we have a money situation right now (we’re both really young ) he’s been having a tendency of spending money on beer getting it from gas stations that don’t card him (he’s under 21) and he has like a weird thing with money..he’s obsessed with it! He’s CONSTANTLY counting it and flaunting it (like 70 bucks 🙄) awhile back his mom passed away and his druggie aunt some how got her hands on all of her money so when we found out about that dillon texted her and she wasn’t budgeing at all! So I texted her,kinda sent her a sob story and got her to give him money he got like 20k from it. he then used it all on vapes, quad parts and beer and continued to lie to me about it (This is when he already knew he had a baby on the way) I kept telling him to not spend it all (I was up in NY with my grandparents for about 3 months) and we had even got into argument and him telling me not to worry about it...now here we are BROKE as hell just scrapping by... all because he went crazy with this money (he’s VERYYY bad with money!) anyways there’s a LOT more...I just wanted to get this little bit off my chest because I’m slowly going crazy...and I’m sure some of y’all would too 😂