Possible Etopic??


I am currently 4 weeks and three days. Monday night my husband and I had sex. I started bleeding immediately after. The bleeding was gone by the next day, I just spotted brown discharge for most of the day.

I called my Doctor on Tuesday and she ordered a blood test. My hcg level was 373. I then tested today, Thursday. My hcg had only gone up to 494. My progesterone looked great though. But my hcg is not where my doctor had hoped it would be.

I have not bled or spotted since Tuesday but they still want to watch me close in case it is a possible etopic pregnancy. I have another blood order in for Saturday. I’m hoping and praying my hcg levels double by then.

Has anyone experienced anything similar to this? I’m trying my hardest to stay hopeful but my heart can’t help but be shattered at the moment.