I'm thinking about getting an epidural

And my boyfriend is worried about me getting it. Last time it worked for a little bit then eventually wore off, leaving only my right foot numb. He thinks it could have been because I moved a bit when I got my epidural and I felt all of the labor and most contractions. After reading, it seems this could happen to anyone.

I originally didnt want the epidural because I was worried about the same effect but now I'm giving birth in 3.5 days, I'm thinking about getting the epidural when im like 7 cm. I know my boyfriend is only looking out for me, but I know if I tell him, hes going to get irritated because he thinks I'm going to move again when I get the epidural

On the other hand, I still want to try without an epidural because I know I'm still afraid of needles and I'd rather not go thru all of that just to have the experience I did last time. Which was, it didnt even work.