So confused


Brianna • 👼🏻💙💙 ▪️ One tube ▪️ 27

I got told yesterday by a doctor that my blood work wasn’t good for my NT scan (scan itself was all normal) but apparently the ratio between two hormones (papp-a and fbhcg) pointed to an issue, so doctor was a little concerned and said baby might be born small

I spoke to a gynaecologist (from the same hospital) today and she looked at my blood work and said separately they’re both within the normal range, just one is high end normal and one is low end normal so when the ratio is calculated it looks abnormal, she wasn’t concerned in the slightest

It made me feel a lot better but I’m just confused on why I keep getting different information and most aren’t explaining things correctly and causing unnecessary stress

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You need the combined screening: the blood work combined with the ultrasound is the one that will give the final results.Those blood values alone don't mean much...My baby is small and they never said anything about my blood numbers being wrong... It's small and that's it! Need more evaluations to see it she isn't dropping on percentiles and I'm also on baby aspirin since 14w.


Cristina • Jan 25, 2021
Congrats 😘


Brianna • Jan 25, 2021
Yeah we got our NIPT back yesterday and it’s all low risk, it’s a boy too 💙


Cristina • Jan 25, 2021
I think it really depends on the person that is doing it. I'm doing my ultrasounds on a private OB super specialized. Done it with my 1st dd and again this time. I really trust her judgment. But of course the NIPT is more reliable... I've done it mostly because I wanted no know the sex and the difference between the 2 tests wasn't much... 😅


Posted at
I would go by what gynecologist says over a regular doctor since the gynecologist is more specialized in the area.


Brianna • Jan 22, 2021
Yeah I know, she’s more experienced than the doctor anyway, the doctor really only looked at the ratio the computer spat out, that was all


Kristin • Jan 22, 2021
Totally understand! Just try to remind yourself all is okay and the gynecologist wasn’t worried 😊


Brianna • Jan 22, 2021
Yeah I was, it’s just hard though, I hate getting different news because it’s conflicting and stressful 😩