IVF cancellation and covid :’(


It’s my 9th day on stims and I’m absolutely gutted. My husband just got tested positive for covid. We’re been extra extra safe and he has no symptoms except body ache.

I called the hospital and they told me to do a test today and if it comes out negative I can continue the stims for a few more days and test again before the retrieval.

But if one of those two tests come out positive. Then I will have to do it all over again.

I’m just heartbroken. I was so close to finishing one part.

And I’m scared to have a first negative test and then do a few more days of stims and then get a positive and not do the retrieval.

I don’t want all my efforts to go to waste. I don’t know why to do....


Regardless what my results... the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> is cancelled.