Check-in 1/26

Jancy • TTC since Jan 2019: I ectopic, I MC, 1 chemical, two retrievals, 9 (!) embryos on ice and one successfully implanted and due 10/8!

Hi everyone! Thought I’d get us started today. How are you? What’s going on in your world? What’s one thing you’re daydreaming about lately?

Today I’m 6dp5dt and I’ve totally failed at my ambition not to test. On Saturday my boobs started really hurting so I tested on Sunday at 4dp5dt and got a very faint line (yay!) but I’ve tested yesterday and today and it doesn’t seem to be getting any darker. Half of me is ecstatic and the other half is remembering my 3 losses, one of which was a chemical, and what it was like to watch the line fade out. So it’s hard to manage the feels, but I guess nothing to do but wait and try to be hopeful and kind to myself. My beta is next Monday 2/1 - so close and so far!

One thing I’m daydreaming about is the beach this summer! Maybe covid will be much better, and maybe maybe I’ll be pregnant with an enormous healthy bump, enjoying the sun and the air and the sand. Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

Update: boobs arent really hurting anymore. Cried a bit. Maybe there’s still hope. Gosh, this whole thing is so hard y’all!