AF due 12/19🎄& 1st round of Clomid cycle buddy!

Carley • Happily married & expecting baby #1 in April via IVF🙏🏼🍼❤️
Hi ladies! I had a great group last month in which a bunch of ladies got their BFPs which is awesome! But we're still TTC #1 over here 😔
AF is due the 19th for me! Hoping for that amazing early Christmas 🎁! Going on 7 months of trying with the hubby. I started my first round of Clomid this month and currently on Day 3 of taking it (cycle day 7). I go in for a sonogram to check my follicles next Thursday & then Ovidrel with timed intercourse hopefully next weekend!
25 years old, healthy, he's had his semen checked and I've had bloodwork and an HSG done & everything was normal. We are just super proactive and want a baby sooooo badddd!!!! Would love to have another awesome group of women to check up on and chat with!!! Baby dust to all!🍼✨❤️