Body hair talk

YOU GUYS help me out here. I started seeing this amazing woman and when we hooked up for the first time she was ungroomed. I was caught off guard because it wasn’t like she hadn’t shaved in a few days it was that she hadn’t shaved (or trimmed) in months. I didn’t think much of it and things went on. It’s not like we went on a date, we were just at her house and it happened so I just figured she’s been single, pandemic, whatever. I figured now that she’s got someone she’s- messing around with- that she’d probably do some shaping up and that’s that. Well the next time it was the same and I was so unexcited. I’m talking like there was combover happening from one side to the other and I literally had a hard time getting in there around all the hair it was so bad. I am so torn because it’s a turn off for me but other wise I do really like her. Part of me is like you wouldn’t want to ask her to change anything about her to be with you but also if we are going to continue I’d like to politely ask for a trim and I don’t know if I can. Like I think it’s wrong of me to ask because if I like her I should like the whole package of her and take it or leave it I’m just upset because it feels like a small easy fix because that’s my only hang up and I’m otherwise very into her. Do I bring it up? (And if so HOW) Do I move on and chalk it up to not a perfect match? I feel like such an ass for being bothered by it