I need advice

Ok bear with me this might be all over the place.

This morning my 7 year old said he loved his best friend Logan and wanted to kiss him. Inside im soo happy he came to me and told me. However I'm worried because my husband isn't against it but he is against the celebration of it.

He explained it like this

" the lbgqt community should celebrate but not to where they shut down roads and close the city aka pride parade" he said that if they want to celebrate they should rent a half or something"

Back story his dad cross dresses and my husband said he tried it when he was a teen cause his dad does it. I think he has u resolved feelings around that. His mother is Christian "the one where being gay is wrong" so I think he grew up confused on how is it ok for his dad to do that but being gay is wrong.

Anyways. How to I have a conversation about this with my 7 year old. I mean 3 weeks ago he said he liked two girls but couldn't choose. And now he likes his best friend. I get he is 7 and thing will change but I want him to know its ok to like both genders. Or just one. Etc. I also want it to be age appropriate.