Misophonia (hatred of certain sounds) and having a baby

Ok so this issue is a little specific but...

I'm currently pregnant and have been having severe anxiety over what life will be like with a newborn, but more specifically, I'm anxious over how my misophonia issues will impact me postpartum. (For those who arent sure what misophonia is, it's where certain sounds trigger an anxious emotional response or even anger due to lack of control over that sensory input. It can get to the point where you cant relax or focus on anything else except that noise trigger. For me my main triggers are snoring and people talking loudly)

I have a hard time sleeping, focusing on work, relaxing, or doing anything whenever I'm "triggered" by a sound. I.e. We live with my mother in law and she loves talking on the phone very loudly at random early or late hours, and my husband snores, these are a few main examples.

Basically im having major anxiety over caring for a newborn and all the natural stress/sleepless nights/cries that come with it, as well as deal with being constantly so unsettled by my daily noise issues. I wish i could just tune them out, or at least have a peaceful place to retreat to when triggered (i dont). My mind just keeps playing different "horror" scenes over and over. i.e. of baby finally falling asleep, then i finally get to sleep...but then my husband starts snoring, or my MIL hops on the phone 😩

Im wondering if there are any mamas who have misophonia and how it was for you adjusting to life as a new mom? And any tips? I feel like my anxiety over the anticipation of how things will go is making it worse 🤷‍♀️