Heart flutters/Irregular heartbeat? Advice please?


I’m 13 weeks pregnant and since about 6 weeks pregnant I’ve had what feels like my heart beating once at 2-4 times the strength it normally does out of nowhere around every hour every day, sometimes even waking me up at night.

When I told my family/loved ones they dismissed my concerns and told me this just sounded like anxiety, but I know my emotions well and it doesn’t seem to be tied to an emotion at all. It seems to happen more after I exercise or move positions too quickly and sometimes just out of nowhere.

I brought this up to my practitioner at my first OB appointment (I never had this pre-pregnancy) and they told me that it is LIKELY just due to my pregnancy hormones and never looked into it more.

I’ve searched and read other mommas posts on here about these and I’ve felt a little better seeing I’m not the only person with this symptom, but I saw a lot of these woman also said they had these pre-pregnancy or they have another condition tied to this that makes it happen.

Should I just chill and accept this is a rare for most people but normal for me symptom or should I push my doctor to look into this more? If this is tied to anxiety for me the anxiety I have is feeling these and not knowing the cause/not feeling heard by my practitioner.