I lost my sweet tomato seed 💔🥺

THE Brittany 🦄 • Railroad Wife 🚂 Mommy to Ava Grace (11/28/15) Colton David (3/15/19) #3 (our angel 👼🏻) #4 Layla Rose (10/28/21) and #5 loading 👀

Against our better judgement, we told my 5 year old daughter about the baby in mommy’s belly. She was so excited. She kept telling everyone (that knew about the pregnancy) that her baby was the size of a tomato seed and she really wanted a baby sister.

I knew for a while my pregnancy was in danger as my tests never progressed much. When I went to the doctor for confirmation, they said “it’s positive but very faint”. I spent the weekend peeing on every single stick I could find, stressing over the shade of pink on that test. I zoned in on everything going on in my body. Were those cramps good cramps? Or were they bad? I woke up this morning with a familiar heaviness in my tummy. I immediately knew what was going to happen. I went to the bathroom to collect my urine for my FMU test and then...blood. 💔🥺

I had to tell my daughter the baby went to heaven because god needs babies in heaven. I’m so fortunate that I’m 32, have 2 healthy kids and never experienced a loss....until now. But I’m so numb.