Waiting for the right time

It feels like everyone is just having children without any second thought but when people ask me when I’m going to get pregnant and I tell people I’m waiting until I’m ready. The suddenly I’m the asshole judging your decision- when I never did. Some young women make awesome mothers. Some really really don’t. Why am I the bad guy when I’m just not ready to do that to myself. I’m the oldest of 5 kids at 23, my youngest sibling is 8 and I practically raised all of them. I have an eating disorder and crazy anxiety due to being half deaf. The thought of what pregnancy does to a body makes my knees weak. I’m alone 90% of the time and 1,500 miles away from my closest family members. I’m not ready for that. Even in my heart of hearts I know I’m ready to be a mom but the timing is so bad. Plus a pandemic. I shouldn’t have to say these things bc they’re no ones business. But I feel like I have to because people judge my entire character based off of whether I’ve been pregnant or not. I’ve been a mother to so many. I don’t know why I can’t just love unconditionally for whoever needs it. I’ll be a mom someday to my own flesh and blood but I’m not any less for not have done it yet. It really hurts my feelings when women assume I can’t be whole until I’ve born a child. I never even wanted a child until I met my husband. We’re doing what’s right for us. I’ve never judged anyone for doing what they want with their lives. Please give others that due diligence.