Weird when I’m high


So this is gonna be a long one. I started smoking around the age of 12. (Bad I know I was just introduced too young) I used to get paranoid the whole 9. Eventually now (17) I would smoke everyday and couldn’t leave with out smoking first for anything or id be in a bad mood😂. Well I was chill as shit calm loved getting high. I met this guy, (my bf) and he doesn’t smoke. Which I’m okay with. Well I stopped smoking often to spend time with him and not bring it around him and smoke on my own time. I lost my tolerance and now whenever I smoke I get hella nervous because I will get High and think of him and it makes me nervous sick even tho he’s not there and I won’t see him for a day or 2. I used to love smoking with my brother cause that’s all we would do is smoke Nd watch joe rogan. I feel like I can’t smoke cause I get weird. I smoked in front of my bf last night and when I get High you cannot touch me or I get very uncomfortable. I show 0 affection when I’m high and just wanna be in my own lane chillin. He unfortunately doesn’t like that at all. Before I met him I wasn’t an affectionate person and still aren’t but am trying for him. I know it’s weird but Anyone else like that?