Abrie • AGee

Ladiessssss... how y'all doing? I jav en t been on here in a while and I just want to vent a little and share a little advice and we can share our thoughts..

I just left living at my bfs place and it has been hard... I never thought I could miss somebody so damn much. But I know it'll be best for us. When we were living together, we saw each other at our absolute lowest points in life.. we didn't have it together financially, but he still provided for both of us.. and I did what I could as well.. I was boo- hooing the day of the flight (last week).. and he wanted fuck the day of my flight before he took me to the airport lol.. but then he was like "I just want to hold you.. for a while"..

If you're contemplating wether to move in with your man/woman/etc, make sure you're prepared to see the real them... it's real life shit that happens when you live with someone else and you see them every single day. Being apart truly strengthens a relationship, even though it's f*ing tough.. but it's a commitment in itself to understand what has to be done (individually) before planning a life with someone else.. the honeymoon phase can last forever when the both of you try to understand each other, yet take no shit from each other 😉.. in the meantime.. flip that hair, look fabulous and continue loving on yourself like nobody else...