I don’t want my in laws to visit for a few weeks after birth...

I am 20weeks pregnant and it’s our first baby. My in laws (father, mother and sister in law) all get under my skin for one reason or another. My mother in law, the least. I have been keeping my pregnancy details under wraps for my privacy and my husbands been accepting of that.

As I’ve gotten farther along in my pregnancy, I’m wanting more and more to just be my husband, daughter and me for a week or two after birth. My parents and I are SUPER close so I’d want them to come after babys born to our home, but I don’t know if I’d want my in laws there right after. I’m not comfortable in front of them, I want to try and learn to breastfeed, etc. Is that rude to let my parents come visit/help me and not my in laws? I just know if they’re around right after birth I’m not going to feel comfortable.