I need help!!

Haley • Wifey💍Mommy💖

So since 6pm my 10 month old daughter has been crying non stop. She’s got a tooth coming in so we assumed it was teething so we gave her some gel on her gums and Tylenol. Bedtime came around 9:30pm and she starts falling asleep. She went to sleep and out of nowhere jumped really violently and started crying and woke up. She was up a few mins crying then projectile vomited. A little while later around 10 she went back to sleep. She then continued to jump out of no where waken up and start screaming and crying. Then would go back to sleep shortly after and repeat. She finally has gone to sleep and has been asleep for about 20 mins now without the jumping and crying.. does anyone know what could be going on with my baby girl? She’s never done this before. We called her doctor but they weren’t any help at all. Has anyone had this with their LO before? Thanks in advance! 💖