Miscarriages due to my Bicornuate Uterus.


I’ve recently had my 3rd miscarriage 😢

I was told I was around 8 weeks pregnant when it happened. My Doctor told me I’m not able to carry a successful pregnancy due to the type of Uterus I have, which is a Bicornuate Uterus. She also said that I would have to have Hysteroscopy surgery in order to fix the problem so that I wouldn’t keep having these reoccurring miscarriages every-time I get pregnant. I’ve been so depressed since this miscarriage recently took place 3 days ago. Has anyone else have to go through this & had to pay out of pocket? I was told insurance doesn’t cover the surgery. I’m just so hurt broken at this point, and really don’t know what to do anymore. 😢