
My husband and I have been married for almost 7 months. I know that's not very long. I however have this horrible baby fever. I got to hold my baby cousin on thanksgiving, she is only 7 weeks old. I didn't want to share her with anyone she is so tiny and perfect and I carried her over to my husband to show her off. His response was cute at first. He was pushing her cheeks and cooing but got bored and it turned into a "that's all babies do?!" Comment... Like yes that's what they do at first. They learn everything over time. They're aren't like kittens and puppies who come out and learn to walk and play in the first 2 weeks. He says he wants kids one day. I feel though as if the only way I'll get pregnant is if I jump on top of him and don't get off when he tells me too or don't let him pull out. Which to me is completely wrong. So instead... I'd like some help or some advice on how to get DH in the right mind frame for baby making. 👀😭