i strongly dislike military doctors 🤦‍♀️

ham • US Army’s best kept secret

i was suppose to have my 16wk anatomy scan 6WKS AGO ! i’m 22wks and birth defects run in my family (i have a cousin that was born with no hands and my dad had a hernia when he was born, my husband did as well) i was suppose to be top priority. so i waited for their call and got nothing. i called at 18wks and they got all frustrated with me saying that i can’t call and they’re suppose to call me. they wouldn’t let me finish half of my sentences and even hung up on me.

so i let it go because i had a 20wk appointment. during that appointment the doctor said she’ll call them and “give them a piece of her mind” and i should expect a call very soon. it’s been 2 weeks later and i finally called again today because i don’t want to wait anymore only to have them schedule me MARCH 17.. i’ll almost be in my third tri.. AND i get out of the military March 4th, i was told i can’t be seen at that hospital after that date. when i tried explaining that to the lady on the phone she just kept saying “with tri care prime you just have to make a co payment” yeah a $300 CO PAYMENT..

i just- someone needs to talk me down because i’m about to lose my shit..

on top of ALL THIS, i’m moving into a new house by myself because my husband has an unexpected mission 2 days after we close