What should I do

My boyfriend has had a terrible 2020 aside from the whole pandemic, he lost a total of 5 of his closest friends in the matter of 2 months from non-covid related issues. We were on and off for a while because when he gets upset he shuts down and didn’t want to be a bad boyfriend towards me so we agreed to taking breaks. During those breaks however it’s a time where we would still talk occasionally and see each other just not as frequently. Our breaks also aren’t “real breaks” like we are still loyal to each other during these times. We are currently on a break and we barely talk now and I think it’s because it’s all finally hitting him at once because not only does he shut down but he hold in all of his emotions and feelings. Whenever we do text he still reassures me and texts me for the whole day and will end it by saying he’ll text me later blah blah blah. I’m just at the point where this break feels different from the other ones and it’s scaring me that I’m actually gonna lose him which is something I don’t want because he is like my twin flame. I haven’t been giving up and I’m not planning on giving up either because I know if I was in his shoes I wouldn’t want the people I love to give up on me while I’m taking my time to get back to being myself after having a very hard and emotional year. One more thing I’m perfectly content with the situation we are in right now because I trust him and I know this break is for valid reasons and not just so he can see other people (something that has happened to me before). Sometimes I will text him and I will not get a response so it kind of scares me. I guess you can say I have a fear of losing him. Anyway I guess by me writing all of this I just want some outside opinions. If you read all of this thank you because I know I’m ranting right now😳.

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