Helping your spouse deal with grief

J • 💁🏼‍♀️

I need some advice..long story short my husband lost his dad today he passed away this morning, and it was tough of course.. my husband lost his mom at the age of 16 he is now 27 and it’s still tough on him

So imagine how he’s feeling now about his dad

I also feel super sad and cried and I almost feel guilty that I’m crying...I’m pregnant so I’m emotional...but I feel like I really need to be strong right now for my husband

I’m just so worried about him...he had a drinking problem and has been 2 months sober and today he had his first drink in 2 that’s one thing I’m worried about ...we drove out of state so he can be with family however me and my son stayed in a hotel because of covid we don’t want to risk ourselves (me and my son) I feel helpless and I’m also in denial & can’t believe he my 3 yo son keeps asking for his Grandpa and that he wants to see just breaks my heart

Any advice ?