Regarding getting full custody... please read

Hi mammas 👋🏼

I would like some advice , tips , knowledge regarding wanting to get full custody of my 1 old boy & your experiences with that.

Let me just say a few things/reasons as to why i believe this is for the best interest of my child...

his father is very mentally unstable even financially as well. He is a 30 year old man btw.

I have videos of him holding a knife to his throat via recorded baby monitor and this happened twice in-front of both my son and his other child due to me trying to leave the toxic relationship. I also have another video/pictures of him smoking a blunt in-front of his 3 year old son. I have numerous videos of him saying racist stuff and how he’s going to raise his sons like that. Etc. it’s just really bad and i cannot have my baby around this any longer ... but i also can’t just take him away right? .. i still allow him to see him here n there along w 1 over night stay but i just don’t feel comfortable anymore. He doesn’t even have a bed for my child to sleep. He sleeps on the couch at his dads house...

i don’t want to be a bitter baby mother i just am trying to do what’s right... am i being over dramatic about this? Can i without a court not allow him to see our son? I would love some advice and no harsh words please ... it took me a lot to leave this abusive relationship. Me and my son deserved better and now I’m trying to get my son away from him too..☹️