No more babies

I just found out I have CIN Stage 2 and Adenocarcinoma in situ, precancerous cervical conditions. All a result from an abnormal pap back in August. They are recommending a hysterectomy. I have been TTC for 2 years now with no luck and now all my dreams of baby number 2 are dying. Having a baby is such a beautiful, amazing experience. Don't take it for granted and enjoy every second of it and of your newborn baby. You never know if your first pregnancy could be your last. I never thought I would be the mother of an only child. I always wanted as many as I could have. Unfortunately, that turned out to be far less than I had imagined. If a hysterectomy is truly needed, then I guess I won't even need Glow anymore. Goodbye, Glow. Goodbye, periods. Which I should be happier about, but there is something oddly empty feeling about losing the parts that make me a woman. I will miss it all.