I just need to vent/rant for a quick second...

Jasmine Nicole

So today I went for my non stress test with an ultrasound and my tech was able to get some amazing pictures of the baby due to me having extra fluid. After my appointment, we drove to my in-laws to pick up my other 3 kids, my husband took the pictures inside to show his family. His mother took it upon herself without asking me and cut pictures from the ultrasound to keep for herself. Like why would you do that without asking me first? I barely got to really look at them before she did it and my husband rushing out with the kids tells me he didn’t realize until he seen the scissors.. I’m just so annoyed, I feel like that was really inconsiderate, like at least ask me first ! But anyway, just needed to vent really quick 🙄

Oh, she just texted me back and said, “Really Jasmine!” Ummm yes, you should’ve asked first I DONT CARE!!