Pregnant but not ?

This is one of the hardest things to go through. So confused, unknown.

I take two pregnancy tests, both positive and within two days. The morning I took the second positive one I was bleeding quiet a few little clots and dark red blood/blood red.

I go to the docs where they take blood and urine test, my urine test was negative but I thought it was due to drinking a lot of water before that. So I go home and still am bleeding, but it’s lighter by a lot. And decide to take a pregnancy test the next morning (I heard some stories of women going through this but have healthy babies in the end) so I had hope.

My test came back negative so my emotional sobbing butt goes to the store and buys another so I can be sure, it’s negative. That’s when it kicks in, did I have a miscarriage ?? Why does it say it takes atleast a week for hCG to get out of your system? Why would I get two positives and two negatives within three days. Can someone explain what’s going on? I’m still bleeding, still have some clots. I had no pain, besides the first night I had the the tiniest cramps you could hardly even feel. I’d also like to point out I did have symptoms but they went away..

I’m a mess and I just need to know what’s going on considering this is something I have prayed so hard for.

Please help me out :(