HCG rising after/during miscarriage?

I started bleeding three days ago. I'll insert a screenshot of my tests, the test on zt1 is the day I started bleeding.

On zt2 the test looks a little darker because there was so much blood I couldn't get a clean urine sample. The bleeding stopped after two days of moderate bleeding. I went to the hospital on zt2 and my HCG was 30 (that was 13dpo). They won't check again until next Tuesday (7days later) if my pregnancy isn't negative by then. I called and asked if they could do another because my line has been progressing since the bleeding started. But they want to wait because I'm so early. Which is absolute torture.

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone else here had what they thought was a miscarriage and it ended up not being one. I passed some small clots and the bleeding was more than anything else I had during any of my viable pregnancies but nowhere near as heavy as usual for me during period or during my other miscarriages. I wish I didn't test today! But now I did and I would like to hear your stories!