How to get baby to sleep through the night???


My baby still wakes every 2 hours to eat. Any hacks to teach him to sleep through the night. I wish so bad he would. Im exhausted of constant sleep interruption and by the morning my toddler is awake so i cant even nap

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Feed more often during the day dream feed between hours 10-12pm My first LO never slept she was always awake . But my new LO sleeps through the night i think its mostly on baby to baby basis


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A key is daytime sleep so how is his sleep during the day what’s his schedule like.


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Moms on Call and Taking Cara Babies are both amazing sleep guides! My babe has been sleeping through the night since 12 weeks 🤞🏼


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You poor thing, I really feel for you. Our girl is 15 weeks old and has been sleeping through the night since she was 9 weeks old. She only started sleeping longer when we switched to formula before bed and moved her out of our room so she couldn’t hear us. Best things we ever did! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 obviously not for everybody but if you are open to the idea it definitely helped for us xx


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2 things daytime sleep, begets night time sleep. The more they sleep, the more they will sleep. Also we sleep trained our baby to sleep through the night in his own room. He sleeps through the night with maybe one waking now. Look up the chair method, thats what we used for sleep training. I know its a very personal preference so don't take my advice if you don't feel its right for your babe or you. :)


Emma • Feb 5, 2021
Yeab our boy woke onstanlty it was exhausting. Everytime he woke (using chair method) after 12 min if he wasn't asleep I would go and sit in the chair and comfort him with my voice. It took a few nights now he wakes once or not at all. The reason for 12 min too is because he almost always fell alseep after 11 min!


Ella • Feb 5, 2021
Ill definitely look up the chair method. My 2 year old we sleep trained at this same age but she never woke during the night it was more just getting herself to sleep. This time ive even let him cry it out and then come in like i did with her and check on him and assure him and he would fall asleep but he legit cant seem to stay asleep through the night which my first never had a problem with


Posted at
I’m going through the same thing. I’m going to see if his pediatrician has any advice at his checkup on Monday. Otherwise, from what I’ve read, this is just something I’ll have to go through. My husband thinks he’ll sleep longer once we start solids.