Still not sleeping through the night

Pauline 🌼

Hi everyone

My 18 month old little love still isn't sleeping through the night and I'm 31 weeks pregnant. We were cosleeping until about a month ago but she's been weaned for months.

She does take a bottle at night but doesn't fall asleep with it. She sleeps in her own bed in our bedroom because we only have one bedroom at the moment.

She falls asleep independently, sometimes she wants me to hold her hand but thats it.

She takes a nap during the day, usually from around 1:30 to 3. Night time is between 7 and 8, closer to 8 usually. We use white noise and there is no light in the room. She wakes up 3 to 4 times a night crying for Mama and just wants me to go pat her back or lay her back down and she'll fall back asleep. Usually by 4 I'll take her with me because I'm a tired pregnant mama...

Today I shouted at her to stop crying because I'm just so tired. Currently crying as she naps. I'm on the third cold of the year already, constantly exhausted. My husband doesn't take care of night wakings because my daughter only wants mama.

I don't have time to nap because I have a huge list of things to take care of before her sister is born.

I don't understand why she still wakes so much. I can't leave her to cry it out because we're in the same bedroom and she can climb out of her bed. Anyway my mama heart cannot handle hours of crying.

Please give me advice I'm really at a breaking point 😞