How soon can you have a VBAC?

So this is my second pregnancy and I’m 38 weeks. I went ahead and asked my OB to check to see if I was dilated and I was already 4-5 cm and 90% effaced. Doesn’t surprise me as with my first I went in having contractions 6 minutes apart for an hour and was already 8 cm when I got to the hospital.

Anyway that should’ve been good news except he told me baby is breeched. And since I’m already almost 5 cm and fully effaced he wants to schedule me for a c section Sunday morning. Of course this is not what I planned or expected since my first delivery was so easy and I was able to do it naturally, I really wanted to do the same this time. My question is, if I have a c section this time how soon after can I have a VBAC?

My husband and I really want 3 kids and we hoped to have them close in age. I just really don’t want to go through a c section twice.