9 dpo negative test!

I'm so anxious! We aren't trying for a baby, but we really aren't doing anything to prevent. We accidentally had sex 3 days before I ovulated, so there's definitely a chance.

Normally I never have symptoms until my period starts. One day of cramps and that's it. Rarely some sore breasts. I'm lucky I have easy cycles 😂

Well, I took a test at 7dpo and it was obviously negative. Took another test today at 9dpo, still negative. However, tonight I'm now experiencing cramping, bloating, gas, and my breasts are slightly sore. Could that be implantation? I'm due for my period in 6 days so I have no idea if I'm just having a crazy cycle or if these are finally the first of pregnancy signs.

I told my husband and now he's pretty excited about the idea and keeps asking me how I'm feeling and how often I can test 😂

Thoughts? Obviously I tested too early before, but I plan on testing every 2 days until af. When did you get your bfp's?