Anyone get Covid more than once?

Ashley • 36; #ivfsuccess 💙💓

Curious if anyone has tested + for Covid twice and how far apart were the tests. I’m told I could test + for up to 3 months but curious if say someone for it two completely different times a couple months apart

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It is definitely possible to get reinfected, especially with new variants of the virus popping up. It’s not like the chicken pox where you only get it once and that’s it, unfortunately.


Ka • Feb 6, 2021
Point being it’s EXTREMELY rare for anyone to get it twice. It’s a form of herpes, it can lie dormant for years and reappear as shingles later on, but it’s extremely rare and unlikely for the general population to experience a second outbreak of chicken pox. Over 90% of time, it’s a one and dome outbreak.


Kaitlyn • Feb 6, 2021
I got chicken pox twice one was serve case other was mild


Posted at
I havent at all but I know my cuz works in a hospital and telling me that the health care workers start getting it again