Just need to vent out

Heatler Nasheily

I've read in many other posts that feeling that someone is being super obnoxious is normal, but I just can't stand even looking at my youngest sister.

We have a ten year age difference, so she still acts pretty childish, but I'm not the only one that has noticed that her behaviour has changed to worse recently.

She throws tantrums like a toddler and she acts very aggresive towards anyone when she's asked to do chores or her homework. She has gotten to the point of throwing and smashing furniture and tv's.

Lots of people have told me that maybe she has developed jelousy towards me and the baby because of all the attention we're recieving, but she's out of control.

I really can't stand her and I feel so bad about it at the same time. I mean, it must be hard for her seeing that she's no longer treated like the baby by me, but I think that's not a right way of coping with it.

Yes, I have tried talking, spending time and playing with her, but she just gives me an aggresive attitude.

I just don't know what to do anymore...😥