
So awkward overreacting pregnancy story number 1. (I'm sure it won't be the last) 
I am 6 wks along and everything has been great aside from the occasional nausea and sore breasts and of course exhausted..... Except for the awful constipation!! I am so bloated and constipated!
So today I am trying to go on about my "business" when I finally finally am able to get something out down there only to wipe and see BLOOD!!! Omg! I panic of course and make the husband run to the ER. I am crying and terrified! They rush me in do an exam only to find...... The blood came from my rectum and the little alien worm is resting right where is should be in my uterus! 
On a side note I was also diagnosed with my first pregnancy UTI so it wasn't a completely wasted trip!
Anyone else have any pregnancy freak out moments like this that turned out to be nothing!?