How to make baby move? 35 wks.

Baby doesn’t move too much. There have been times where he was crazy active but most of the time, he doesn’t move much and it scares me. I poke my belly. Nothing. I do a few jumping jacks. Nothing. I lay on my side and drink orange juice. Nothing. Most of the time, I just eat and he’ll move sometime during or after but not much, just a few random kicks. I feel like he should definitely be more active? Maybe he’s just a sleepy baby? Other than that I feel him hiccup the most probably.

Also I’ve been experiencing random fluid leakage. So the other day, probably an hour after sex, I noticed a gush of random fluid leak out. I’d already been up & active for a minute so it was weird it just came out randomly but I passed it off as a “sex” thing. So I haven’t had sex in a couple days to monitor it (just in case) & I’ve still been leaking here & there. Not a whole lot honestly, I can’t tell if it’s like a pregnancy “discharge” thing or what. It has water consistency, not like normal discharge. But I HAVE peed myself a couple times throughout my pregnancy (not going to lie lol) but that was usually when I’m laughing or sneezing. Idk maybe I’m just paranoid :(