My boyfriends friend talks so much shit on his girlfriend

My boyfriend has a group of friends and one of them I can't stand. I'm gonna call him Kyle because honestly fuck Kyle's (jk, take no offense good Kyle's). Kyle has a girlfriend who I've met but we aren't friends. She seems nice but Kyle talks so much shit on her. Its not even things about her relationship or that she's crazy or anything. He's called her a fat whore, a clingy cunt. Talks about scars she has on her belly. He also let's another friend in their group talk shit about her too. I asked my boyfriend why he doesn't say anything and he says its none of his business and he doesn't do other people's relationship drama. And Kyle acts so sweet to her face so I don't even think she knows how badly he talks about her. My boyfriend won't say anything to Kyle because he doesn't do drama and Kyle isn't really his close friend. Kyle wasn't originally in his friends group. He just started hanging out with them because another one of his friends introduced him and now he's just there. I just think its sad and I want to say something to her but my boyfriend says to just stay out of it. It will do more harm then good and to just ignore him when he's being an ass. I just don't think anyone deserves to have their partner talk about them like that.

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Posted at
Personally I wouldn’t hang around someone so disrespectful. I would record him and send it to her. I would also speak up and make it clear that kind of conversation is not acceptable when I’m around.


Jasmine • Feb 7, 2021
Right? And the “don’t say anything” mentality is so detrimental.


Mr • Feb 7, 2021
Yup. Agreed. What a gross human, and honestly, it reflects very poorly on OP’s boyfriend that he could want to be friends with someone who exhibits that type of behavior.


Stacie • Feb 7, 2021
Took the exact words from me so funny!! I was thinking literally the same thing if you aren't that close fuck it I feel worse for that girl (and that says a lot I really don't like many girls lol)


Posted at
I would not be able to hang around someone like that. Imagine all the shit he probably talks about everyone else when they aren't around.


Posted at
Yeah I wouldn’t even associate with a person like that, and I agree, fuck Kyles lol


Posted at
Sounds like a lil BOY to me. And from what I know lil boys like him usually bad mouth their girls infront of guys to get a 'laugh' when secretly he's probably the clingy 'cunt'. They usually do it because they like the girl but think the guys wouldn't approve (it's usually appearance related) because she might be a big girl for example. So they make out that she's just a fling, a piece on the side they just screwing, but give the girl a whole different impression. It says Alot about this lil boy he's a very insecure individual that lives for others opinions. Hope she dumps his ass!


Posted at
If he spoke like that in front of me, I would immediately call him out on it.