not much movement in a few days

I'm only 23 weeks and was told not to worry about movement until the third trimester but I was feeling my baby move consistently at certain times of day and the kicks were very noticeable. I haven't felt her move much at all the last few days and the movement I do feel I'm not sure if it's even her or what it is. Since in my last post everybody told me not to worry until the third trimester and that it could just be the position she's in I've been trying not to overthink it but it's been a few days now so I shouldve felt something by now right? I don't have another ob appointment for another week but I'm considering going to the ER if she doesn't move soon. Did this happen to anybody else and they had a healthy baby? I know at my last ultrasound she wasn't moving much and she was calm but usually she moves around a lot after I eat certain foods and I feel her if I lay a certain way but nothing these last few days.