Nipt testing

If NIPT testing shows that everything is well is it possible to miscarry after that? Or would spina bifida show up on there? I’m SO nervous about everything

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I thought the NIPT test tested for trisomy 13, 18, and 21 as well as a sex chromosome abnormalities. Spina bifida would be tested for with genetic testing. I could be wrong, just my understanding.


Babbs ❤️ • Feb 8, 2021
Yep should be 16 weeks!


L • Feb 8, 2021
Yes, spina bifida is a separate test. I want to say they tested for it much later than NIPT, around 20 weeks?


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They arent the same test. The NIPT doesnt test for spina bifida. They have the 16 week quad screening that tests for neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Its called the AFP or the AFT.


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The NIPT would show results for spina bifida but as far as I know the test isn't a predictor of miscarriage. It just shows any genetic abnormalities your baby may have.


Kendra • Feb 8, 2021
I was only speaking from my experience where I had everything run at the same time for bloodwork.


Babbs ❤️ • Feb 8, 2021
Nipt tests for chromosomal stuff not neural tube. Its a whole separate blood test for spina bifida


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And yes you can still miscarry after the nipt because sometimes things just happen that cant be predicted or tested for


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Nipt shows any abnormalities in the genes that can be used as a predictor for things such as down syndrome.