*Please Read Description* Since COVID, what have you struggled with the most?



Hi everyone! I'm a mental health counselor and am going to offer a certain amount of sessions that will be specialized to a specific area that people likely have struggled with since COVID started about one year ago.

1. If you chose anxiety/depression- have you struggled with both? If not, which one applies to you? Is there a specific trigger or thing that causes the anxiety or depression?

2. If you chose relationships- what kind of relationship (marriage, siblings, parents, children, etc.)? What specifically has been a struggle within that relationship (communication, conflict management, abuse, trust, etc.)?

3. If you chose work/financial issues- explain situation or go into detail as needed/wanted.

4. If you chose grief- is it COVID related? If so, how have you dealt with it? If not, has COVID made it harder to deal with your grief (due to restrictions, stay-at-home order, etc.)?

5. Other/Comment- if something else was more prominent in your life during COVID, what was it and how did it impact you?

Thank you for helping!!

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5. Dealing with realizing a bunch of people I know are selfish, anti-vax level conspiracy theorists that don’t care about other people. Also, having to spend so much time combatting said conspiracy theories.


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Other: feeling trapped. I want to be able to go out and do stuff with my kids. Park, movies, restaurants, zoos, science centers. I'm trying to be responsible and self isolate as much as possible, but I just miss life before the pandemic so damn much. I'm even wearing masks in my dreams now so even in my dreams I can't escape the pandemic


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Balancing home and work and school when they’re all happening in the same small spaces. Dealing with the mental load of juggling all that and not having the opportunity to check out at the end of the day.


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Nothing really, i haven't changed my life at all. Although the mask suck.


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Where to freakin start 🙄 I’m dealing with so much depression/anxiety right now. First a surprise pregnancy, the WORST of my pregnancies at that 🤮 and then I find out my new baby will likely have Down syndrome. I home school my two kids already. They’re perfectly healthy, they’re just bad. Idk what my future holds anymore so I’m just scared. Covid is honestly the least of my worries right now lol pls send help 😞


Posted at
Golly I have struggled a lot this year (I’m people have had a worse year than me) I can’t make up my mind if this is the new me or I’ve lost myself, anyways I don’t feel myself I want to be happy but sometimes my happiness goes. I lost my job Friday so that sucks and I was planning on going travelling but obviously we are in a pandemic so that’s not happening anytime soon😕I figured out what I want to do for a job but don’t have the right grades so need to retake them but can’t retake them until 2023 as they have cancelled all exams until then😕


Posted at
I feel the same. I’m happy with my job which covid allowed me to have and zoom classes and a bit annoying but it’s all good. I kinda miss seeing all the people and hanging out but not too much. Same same pretty much except I miss seeing nana being with my grandma.


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Anxiety, for some reason at the start of quarantine I have begun to have panic attacks often.


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I chose other because the primary thing I’m struggling with is my kids. My daughter is almost 4 & is going through a stage where she’s just constantly testing boundaries & basically picking fights with everyone & I have a 10 year old stepson with ADHD & anxiety & some days he’s just having a really hard time & the two of them just rile each other up. I’m just so tired & I don’t get a lot of opportunities to recharge, where I can just be a person instead of a mom. Just today I bought tickets to a concert that’s set to take place in March 2022 & a year seems so very far away!


Wh • Feb 8, 2021
That is very far away! Definitely don't wait until then to try and find some you time. Also, thanks for your reply!


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Depression and work. Have a lot of issues with these and they aren’t getting better so I’m just going with the flow 🤷‍♀️