Open for anything sorry TMI

Not worrying about my punctuation Started in hs where I would bleed thru in class majority were guys plus a guy teacher had aunt flo all over the floor not to mention I was a row a head of my teacher🥺😳😬😡 since senior year wore jeans also bled thru and teacher was a guy told and also a class with more guys then girls I walked out cause well you know since then I started to work when Aunt Flo come by Im afraid of repeat I wear uniforms and off all colors I have to wear khaki pants and a white shirt🙅🤷🤦 so I started 🦈 week and well tomorrow is day #2 super heavy for me after today with walking around sweating, unsatisfied feeling but most of all the order where you don't have menstruation for a while I dare not show my face