
I got manhandled tonight for no reason & he sees nothing wrong with grabbing me cuz he’s “not hitting me”...

I put our son to bed, used the washroom then came to bed to just go on my phone for a bit then sleep. He was in the living room. I get a msg from him asking if I was talking to a guy cuz he liked my fb post & we’re friends on fb. I told him just cuz someone likes my post doesn’t mean we’re talking & I told him I wasn’t. He said something else & replied back with a petty comment. He burst in my room, ripped blanket off me. Tried grabbing me (hard) to lay beside him, I told him no stop grabbing me. He continued to try & grab me, I tried to push myself away but he just got stronger with me. He then just got on top of me to hold me down I guess. (I’m 13 weeks pregnant, he sat on my legs tho) we fought around on the bed for idk 2 mins. Mostly me just trying to get him to stop grabbing me so I could just lay by myself.

He just kept holding me in place all night, by grabbing me. His loud voice woke up our son & he said “go attend your son”. I did. I said “I don’t love you right now” he got pissed, I grabbed my son to go lay in his bed & he followed me, asking me “why” grabbing my arm to try & get me to answer him a few times.

That was my night. My son woke up @ 11 & again at 2 & he’s been up since. (It’s now 4:20am) Probably traumatized from my spouse. I’m exhausted...