So confused... Does this mean they most likely won’t be doing the test?

Ofc I am planning on calling but just curious to hear other women’s experiences and opinions.

I am having an appointment tomorrow at exactly 27 weeks pregnant. At my last appointment, at 22-23 weeks, my doctor mentioned that the diabetes test would “most likely” be administered at my next appointment. Which made sense to me bc Ive heard it is supposed to be done during second trimester. But it was never confirmed and both online &from what I’ve heard from others, I thought you were supposed to fast before you have the test done. I know I should have asked when he mentioned it but I figured the ladies at the desk would mention any instructions to me and I was half-awake bc baby kept me up a lot of the night so I was out of it.

Does it mean they aren’t doing the test or can you get the test done without fasting? Should I fast just in case?

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