6 wks positive darker than control line...?????


Hey ladies! So I found out I am pregnant when I was almost 5 wks along. That's actually a little late for me, because I found out around 3-4 wks with both my previous pregnancies.

I've been testing periodically... it's still sinking in (I have a 5 month old, so it wasn't exactly expected). My first few pregnancy tests with this little bean were a LOT lighter than with my previous pregnancies, but today it was very different. I need some help because I don't know what a pregnancy test is supposed to look like at 6 weeks. I've always stopped testing at 4 or 5 weeks.

Is it normal for the positive line to be stealing the dye from the control line when I'm only 6 wks along? I know that a lighter control line can mean multiples (which I've been secretly hoping for all my life, and my dad is a twin so I am hoping that gives me better chances 🤞🏻), but I don't know the timeline for that being valid. Am I just overthinking it or is this what a 6 wk test looks like typically?