I think I have BV and I want to go to a women’s clinic

I don’t think I have a yeast infection.

I have had monistat and two pills of prescription medication for vaginal yeast infections and very minor relief from the pain.

The discharge I am having looks like it has blood in it, it’s has like a brown tint to it.

I’m pretty sure I have BV. I talked to my doctor and he put me on the pills and said if this next one doesn’t clear it that he’ll call in 2 more. But I can’t handle this. I have an actual OB visit on the 22nd but it’s only the 10th and I can’t go on like this. It’s constant burning. I am constantly putting diaper rash cream and antifungal cream from the monistat down there and that gives me relief until I pee. When I pee it’s excruciating.

I want my sex life back. I want to be comfortable in my body again because right now 24/7 my vagina is just being disgusting and hurting and itching

Can I do that? Can I walk into a women’s clinic and get tested for BV? Because I’ll go tomorrow. I cannot live in this much pain until the 22nd there is no way man. No way

No I am not pregnant. I just got off my period and then got this infection