sex life help!!


Okay so my boyfriend & i have been together two & a half years, i’m 21 & he is 22 & we rarely have sex, we can go up to three months without & i always ask him why we don’t & he never has an answer he will just say that i “want it too much.” & when we do have sex he only really wants to do doggy, he doesn’t talk, make noise, etc. & as of probably this last year when we do have sex it is rare for him to cum. i also wanna add that if i send him nudes he doesn’t save them, or ever tell me i’m hot or beautiful, if i say something sexual to him he just seems uncomfortable, i’m not sure what to do bc i have started feeling awkward & bad about my self during sex & even just being naked around him now. i’m not sure if he is just uncomfortable or insecure or if there is a medical issue but he doesn’t talk, please help me, i try talking to him but i get nothing, i would appreciate any advice you have, thank you!