Benadryl while breastfeeding?


I’ve asked doctors and done some reading on Google searches and get conflicting it ok to take Benadryl while breastfeeding?

Before my daughter was born, I took Benadryl and melatonin every night for years for chronic insomnia (it runs in my family: dad and grandma are also on medication for life-long insomnia). I used to be on multiple prescription medications for insomnia but was able to switch a few years back to just melatonin and Benadryl which was a big improvement for my health. I know it’s not good to take them daily but here I am. After baby was born, I thought I was cured! I was so sleep deprived that I didn’t need either to fall asleep. Now for the last week, I cannot for the life of me fall asleep after her nightly feeding. I’m desperate to get sleep again and have done meditation and all the things they tell you to do for sleep hygiene.

My concern with Benadryl is (1) will it adversely affect my baby if she is getting it through my breast milk and (2) it will dry up my milk supply since it’s an antihistamine and that’s what antihistamines do; they dry up bodily fluids. What have the mamas out there done with it comes to Benadryl and sleep aids while breastfeeding?