Sorry for the long post


But I'm just a little concerned, completely uncomfortable and my due date seems so far away, today I'm 34 weeks 1 day. I've put on 52 + lbs. I was less than 95 lbs when I got pregnant in July, I'm now 142. This is my 3rd pregnancy, both previous pregnancies kids were early daughter 2 weeks in '08 and son 3.5 weeks early in '15. Which made me high risk for preterm labor from the beginning. I keep crying for like the littlest things, past few days been constantly nauseous and puking occasionally, seeing spots on and off, feet and legs have been swelling like you can't see where my ankles are at times and brought this all up at appointment yesterday but they said oh well there's no real problem cause my blood pressure appears fine. I asked about my fundal height and his heart beat because at 32 weeks fundal height was 31 and yesterday it was 32, his heart beat usually sits 149 or higher, 2 weeks ago it was 141 and yesterday 139 they said it's normal. Now ultrasounds showed my son was 2 weeks bigger than expected but now his fundal height is showing 2 weeks smaller. I can't sleep at night and I just keep having bad cramping but Dr says it's fine. Now at 39 weeks I'll be induced unless for some other reason they have to bring him earlier or he decides to arrive early, which I really would be fine with.

34 weeks trying to sit comfortably while waiting at bus stop for son

Top row all about a week apart from Jan 27 to yesterday, bottom all about 3 weeks apart from yesterday to Jan 2nd.

Can't wait to see my 2nd prince

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Posted at
Only thing that stands out to me is the seeing spots. Since That’s one of the tell tale preeclampsia signs, I would think that would get more attention from your doc. Anyway I’d get a high quality blood pressure cuff from a medical supply store and take your own BP at home at the same time everyday. Then if you get high readings call your doctor. That’s what I eventually had to do.I had a very high BP readings in the office which were super misleading, long story short i actually had chronic low blood pressure and the in-office reading was a fluke and they spent a month misdiagnosing me.


Posted at
All seems normal to me, mama! That’s a healthy heartbeat at this stage. And unfortunately swelling is completely normal as well, especially if you live in a warm climate. Compression socks and elevating help some, but sometimes it just happens. As long as your urine and blood pressure are good, I wouldn’t worry. I was SO SWOLLEN with my first baby. My toes looked like sausages. Dizziness happens to me, too. I just keep hydrated and try not to stand up too quickly. Fundal height is not an accurate way to measure growth, so try not to worry about that either. It’s easy to worry, but everything sounds super normal to me. Picture of my swelling with my first baby (right photo) and I didn’t have preeclampsia! I was just soooooo swollen. Picture on the left was my ankle a few weeks after delivering. I just carried so much water weight.


Posted at
Fundal height can be less than 2 to greater than 2 and still be perfectly fine. And if he’s measuring ahead, remember that’s just an estimate and should make you feel even better about the fundal height. And heart rate do slow down some. Everything sounds perfectly normal. Just try to relax and breathe.