Super new to OPKs, help!

Hubs and I just started TTC (!!!), so I just started tracking my ovulation. My app says I should ovulate in about a week, but I'm testing now so I don't miss it, because my cycle has never been super regular and I know the app is just a prediction. When the test line is darker than the control line, does that meet I'm ovulating at that moment, or that I'll ovulate shortly thereafter? Like I'm just sort of wondering if a positive ovulation test means drop everything and do the deed right then and there, or if it means like I have time before I ovulate. When the line looks negative or is on its way to getting darker, is it possible for me to get pregnant during that time? Sorry if these questions are obvious, like I said, we just started. I'm excited for the "trying" part, going to try to keep it spicy and fun and I don't want to put too much pressure on him, but he wants to know when I'm ovulating as well, and I don't know if that happens during a positive ovulation test or after.

Thanks for any help/recommendations! 💕