Happy healthy TTC routine.

Kay💗 • PCOS & Thyroid condition 2 earth side children. 3 chemical pregnancy’s 8 week miscarriage.

I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, eating disorders my entire life. I’m 23, and I finally decided I think I’m ready to start TTC.

Fixing my sleep schedule has helped me tremendously with my mood and food management. Sleeping 8-9 hours but at a normal time at night basically has taken my depression away. I’m so happy.

I wake up at 6am every morning now. I go downstairs, I start my cup of green tea, I take my prenatal. And I sit down and relax, I’m taking notes of everything I need to do and everything I’m going to need to do. Writing it down has taken a lot of stress off me and my racing brain.

At 8 am I usually start a high protein breakfast, weather is eggs or oat meal. I make sure to fill up in a healthy way. And that sets me up with energy for the rest of the day. I can clean without feeling exhausted

I feel kind or corny for even writing this. But something like this being accomplished for me is a really big stepping stone and I’m really proud of myself, for pushing myself to do what’s healthy for me. For once I can truly say. I’m at my healthiest and I am proud of my progress.